Because who among us could not learn more about string theory, healthy sexual role-play and 12-step programs?

Nanci Murdock
2 min readJan 9, 2022

My family is again in lockdown, and I find myself making an effort to ensure my 17-year-old son does not — mentally and physically — wither and die on the vine. Also, you know, critical thinking skills. The struggle is real. (note to self: how much vitamin C is required to prevent scurvy?).

My Current Strategy

To keep his mind from atrophying, I give him two pieces of content (that I have already consumed) to listen/watch/read — and he needs to find the common subject matter between them.


  1. “The Magpie of Heart Mountain” + Dr. Michio Kaku on Tim Ferriss

Common link: Both protagonists had parents in Japanese intern camps, which changed the direction of their lives.

  1. Feel Good on Netflix + Rich Roll on Tim Ferriss

Common link: Both protagonists suffered from trauma in their bodies — which ultimately led them from suffering to healing. (bonus points if he gets the suffering to healing part; not holding my breath).

In having to find the shared link between each, along the way, he learns about string theory, PTSD, addiction, 12-step programs, and healthy sexual role play. Also, philosophy, stand-up comedy, child/parent relationships and (hopefully) learning to be an adult in an increasingly complicated world.

Is It Working?

Honestly, the jury is still out. My RING App tells me the door was opened this morning at 1:46AM, which can only mean UBER Eats was here with Two Papa burgers, onion rings and probably poutine w/extra cheese curds. (note to self: find two pieces of content that cover healthy sleep habits + essential nutrition)

And if you are asking if recycling my excessive consumption of media into education for my children is the best I can do right now? Yes. Yes, it is.

Plus, as the Buddhists say, “When you walk in the mist, you get wet.”

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Nanci Murdock

Writer. Also, CFA. Possible Polymath w/ADHD 😳. I use experience/humour (+ humility) to teach stuff online. 🚢🚀 Courage: Its a Thing. (she/her)